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Black Dog



Obedience is what you tell a dog to do, behavior is what your dog chooses to do. We train your dog how to make better behavioral choices in various locations so your dog will understand being non reactive is the key to going more places with their owner. Too often people continue trying to give commands for their dog to stop a reactive behavior only to fail. Instead we condition the dog not to produce these behaviors in the first place. Resulting in a well behaved calmer dog. This also helps the dog with their off leash obedience because the dog will develop active listening skills rather than just hearing and ignoring their owner.


  Then we train you how to easily maintain what we taught your dog. This two prong approach has been extremely successful at repairing relationships with owners and their dogs.





Behavioral conditioning is a deeper level of training than obedience work and works to re-wire behaviors that have probably made your dog challenging in one way or another. One of our greatest accomplishments is our ability to turn around dogs who have been violent, aggressive or declared "unsafe" into happy, healthy household pets again. No case is too much for us to handle. 

Dog's Portrait

Teaching your dog to respond to necessary, applicable commands will lead to greater confidence in you as a handler and a happier, safer life for your pet as well.

Dogs with Dog Walker

A well trained dog is so much more than simply that. It is freedom and confidence for both the dog and it's owner. 

Young Family with Pet Dog
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